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How to save multiple records at once using CakePHP 3 Crud plugin

Recently I had to save multiple rows at once using CakePHP Crud plugin. This is how I did it based on the plugin's documentation.

 namespace App\Controller;

 class GroceryItemsController extends AppController
   public function add()
     return $this->Crud->execute();
The code works but it does not actually saving anything.

So, in order to save multiple rows at once, I had to modify above code to something like this.
 namespace App\Controller;

 use Cake\Event\Event;
 use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

 class GroceryItemsController extends AppController  
   public function add()  
     $this->Crud->on('beforeSave', function (Event $event) {
       $event->getSubject()->entity = TableRegistry::get('GroceryItems')->newEntities($this->request->getData());  
     return $this->Crud->execude();  

By the way, the POSTed form data looks like this
   'item' => 'meat',  
   'price' => '12.00'  
   'item' => 'ketchup'  
   'price' => '5.00'  

Thanks for reading!


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